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Ten Dollar

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You've donated to help women escape domestic abuse - Now Challenge your friends!

It's Christmas, but not everyone feels the joy. For women escaping domestic violence it can be a time of fear and uncertainty. Some leave their homes with little more than hope, facing Christmas without even the basics for a meal or small gift for their kids

Safe Haven is here to help, but we need you!

A $10 Gift that shows you care

Join the team at Safe Haven and help improve the lives of women impacted by domestic abuse and coercive control by donating $10 from your Christmas Budget


Accept the challenge and donate $10.00 to Safe Haven by clicking 

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Take a photo of yourself proudly holding a $10 note and post it to your social pages. In your own words, tell everyone what you are doing and that you support Safe Haven Community 

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Use #TenDollarChallenge and tag us on facebook and instragram using @safehavencommunity



Tell your friends, family and work collegues about your good deeds and challenge them to do the same

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email your photo and we'll include it on our own social pages and website


JOin the Ten dollar challenge and make a difference

Each $10 donation will go toward providing Christmas meals and small gifts for women and children in need.

PLUS, every donor will go in the draw to win a $300 dinner voucher at a top restaurant in your state!

Let’s flood social media with $10 photos this Christmas.
Together, we can give these families the support and dignity they deserve

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